Hamed Bazi was born on January 7, 1992 in Chabahar City, Sistan and Baluchistan Province. His father was Police and his mother was a nurse. Attained fluent and correct recitation of Quran under the teaching of his father, he started applying the instructions that Quran has given into life. He had regular cultural and sports activities along with his school. As a professional cyclist, Hamid won several medals in this field.
Gained his high school diploma, he passed the entrance examination to Islamic Azad University and began his university studies in the Software Engineering. He was actively involved in cultural activities in both the university and the mosque in their neighborhood.
He was very cheery and light-hearted and lenient with others. Faced with an irrational person, Hamed tried to fascinate them with his good behavior. He tried to be as much helpful to the underprivileged as he could, taking part in the activities to provide a wide range of support for the impoverished districts of Sistan and Baluchistan province.
Raised in a devout family, Hamed was fond of reading religious books. He always tried to protect the rights of the oppressed and dealt with any injustice. Besides his active involvement in the society, he was also a much loved person in his family. He was very close to his younger brother, spending much of his time with him.
On Friday 19 October 2012, Hamed and his father were to head to the mosque for the midday prayers. Having the role of protecting the worshippers, Hamed and some of his friends, who were volunteer Basij members, were assigned to frisk the worshippers before entering the mosque.
During searching the worshippers who were standing in queue to enter the mosque, a suspicious refused to be frisked and ran away. Hamed Bazi tried to catch him, who was strapped with explosives around his upper body. But as he grabbed him, the man blew himself up. Hit with bomb shrapnel, Hamed Bazi, 21, was rushed to hospital, but he succumbed to his injuries.
Later, Harkat ul-Ansar terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attack in an official statement.