Women and Girls, Victims of Terror Groups and Cults

March 8, International Women’s Day

Women and Girls, Victims of Terror Groups and Cults

421 women and girls all over Iran have fallen victims to operations of terror groups such as MeK, PJAK, ISIS, ASMLA, Komala etc. in Iran in assassinations, bombings, kidnapping, torture and so on.

women over 18
268 Martyrs
girls between 11 and 18
76 Martyrs
girls between 5 and 10
45 Martyrs
girls under 5
32 Martyrs

Crime of Being Woman

Women are victims of terrorist cults both in and outside of them


Women and girls in terrorist cults are part of the brainwashing and deception process carried out by the cult leaders. These victimized women are subjected to instrumental, moral and sexual abuses by the leaders.

In cults like the MeK, marriage is prohibitted.


Women are at the cult leader’s service for sexual exploitation.

In the MeK, 150 women have been rendered sterile so far.


These women are not allowed to contact their family.

They receive no wage for their activity in the group.


Women and girls in the MeK have no right to continue education.

Women within the MeK were tools to collect donations from European citizens and deceive them.


Hundreds of children belonging to these women were taken from them by the MeK leaders during the 80s and handed over to other families.

Women and girls in the MeK set themselves on fire to protect the cult’s leader.


All women and girls in the MeK have to wear uniforms.

Beware of terrorist cults. They are stalking girls and women.
