Name: Sagha Alizade
Date of Birth: 1969
Place of Birth: Amol
Date of Martyrdom: January 26, 1982
Place of Martyrdom: Amol
Sagha Alizade was born in 1969 in Amol. He was a very active young boy who used to work at the library of his neighborhood while he was still a teenage student. Sagha wished to grow old enough to be able to go to the battlefield to fight the enemy.
On January 26, 1982, when the rioters attacked Amol, he asked his mother to allow him to join the city defenders. His mother replied: “They will kill you and I have no one else.” Sagha told his mother that he wished to be martyred and that she should not cry for him when he is killed.
So he said goodbye to his mother and joined his brothers to defend the city. Finally in that battle, Sagha was shot and martyred by the savage rioters who had attacked the city.