Name: Taghi Maddah
Date of Birth: 1964
Place of Birth: Semnan
Place of Martyrdom: Western Islamabad, Mersad operation
Date of Martyrdom: July 29, 1988
Born on August 12, 1964 in Semnan, Taghi Maddah finished his preliminary studies at his hometown. He then studied mechanics at high school. As Basij was established, he became an active member of Basij. Between 1982 and 1988, he was dispatched to the battlefields for 5 times where he held responsibility of identification axis and was an intelligence officer of the Revolutionary Guards' brigade during his service.
He sustained injuries 3 times during his 54 months long presence in the war zone. Once in Valfajr8 operation, a shrapnel ripped through his body, the second time the shrapnel injured his right hand and the third time he fell off a bike and his leg was harmed.
At last, in Mersad operation where he held responsibility of the identification axis, Taghi Maddah died as a martyr when hit by a bullet from the Mujahedin-e Khalq organization members and his body was laid to rest at his hometown, Semnan. He was the second martyr of his family. His brother Ramezan Maddah had lost his life as a martyr in 1983.