As the representative of the families of Iranian terror victims, Habilian Association held Basirat Exhibition on the sidelines of the Tulips of the City Exhibition at the Unknown Martyrs Hosseinieh of Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch. |
The Exhibition, which was the latest in a series of Habilian’s exhibitions, provided a great deal of enlightenment about the hypocrisy (MEK) and deviant sects in Iran by presenting a number of pictures, posters, software products, and documents.
Some high-ranking officials, including parliamentary representative for Tabriz Dr. Monadi and dean of the Islamic Azad University of Tabriz Dr. Ali Rezaei attended the opening ceremony of the exhibition.
The seven-day exhibition was greatly received by university students and professors. During the exhibition, some 100 posters depicting documents of anti-revolutionary and hypocritical groups, history of terrorist MKO group, intellectual foundations of the grouplet’s leadership and their Marxist outlook were put up in the exhibition.
MEK’s history of cult-like practices, including its authoritarian control, brainwashing, isolation from family members, mandatory divorces, sexual exploitation of female members, and prevention of members from leaving the organization were among the main parts of the exhibition about the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization.
The visitors were also provided with images and documents analyzing the 2009 post-election events, MEK’s role in the unrest and the introduction of the seditionists’ leaders.
The visitors had also the opportunity to see posters of Iranian nuclear scientists with such information as their biographies, education, and assassins.