As the representative of the families of Iranian terror victims, Habilian Association held Basirat Exhibition at the Tabriz College of Teachers. |
Mujahedin-e Khalq’s long history of violence and terror, particularly their terror campaign agaisnt Iranian civilians and officials during the 1980s, moral corruption of its leaders, including financial fraud and advertising scams, internal relations and human rights violations within the cult were the most important parts of the exhibition.
The exhibition also let visitors know about the assassination of high ranking IRI officials, launching blind mortar attacks at residential compounds against innocent civilians, and the role MKO played in Iraq-Iran war, as Saddam’s private army.
Other parts of the four-day exhibition was dealing with the Hojjatieh Society and Baha'i sect, two of the perverse groups which are inimical to Islamic Republic of Iran.
It's worth mentioning that the exhibition was attended by the Vice President for Research and Deputy Director for Secondary Education of the province, as well as a group of teachers and 3400 students from 64 schools of the province.
The visitors also had the opportunity to purchase Habilian Association’s software and multimedia products along with various books and pamphlets about the nature of terrorist groups and the crimes deviant political streams and terrorist groups like MKO committed in Iran and the damages they have so far caused to the country.