Iran's Head of Parliament National Security Commission made the remark in an interview with Lebanon’s al-Ahed’s news website, adding “the House of Saud is utilizing all resources in the region and the world against the Islamic Republic of Iran, and within this framework, they back terrorist groups to target the Iranian nation.”
To a question about a new phase of cooperation between Iran and Russia in combating terrorism, he said “there is a Joint Operations Room between Iran, Russia, Syria and Iraq in Baghdad and Damascus; however, when we felt that we need to take greater steps to strike a harsher blow to the terrorists, we agreed to offer certain facilitations to Russia, such as providing fuel for Russian jets at Nojeh airbase in Hamedan, west of Iran.”
Boroujerdi stressed that Iran made the decision based on its national interests and security and in line with supporting the Resistance Front which is currently fighting against terrorism.
About the likeliness of Iran, Russia and Turkey’s coalition, Boroujerdi said that it is expected the coalition would prove to be effective in the long run.