As the representative of the families of Iranian terror victims, Habilian Association held “Basirat Exhibition” at the University of Tehran to enlighten university students about terrorism, of which a prominent example is Mujahedin-e Khalq terrorist group. |
According to Habilian Association database (families of Iranian terror victims), this exhibition which was coincided with the commemoration ceremony of Martyr Mehdi Rajab Beigi at Technical Faculty of Tehran University, was held in order for the enlightenment of university students and it was well received by students, professors, and university employees.
The visitors were provided with a history of terrorism and violence in Iran, detailed study of methods of violent torture by MKO terrorist organization, long-lasting treacheries of Masoud Rajavi (MKO ringleader) and cult-like procedures of MKO such as brainwashing their members, along with a wide range of information on terrorism through various posters.
MKO’s long history of violence and terror, moral corruption of the cult leaders including financial fraud and advertising scams, internal relations and human rights violations within the cult (complex brainwashing methods, their ideological revolution and compulsory divorces, forced self-immolations, etc) were amongst the main parts of the exhibition.
The exhibition also let visitors know more about extensive moral corruption in Camp Ashraf, Mujahedin-e Khalq terrorists' betrayal to their motherland during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war by siding with Iraq’s executed dictator Saddam Hussein as well as their assisting the Iraqi dictator in massacre of Iraqi Kurds and suppression of the Shiites Intifada in 1991.