As the representative of the families of terror victims in Iran, Habilian Association had a highlighted presence in Tehran 17th annual festival of Press and News Agencies while bringing new documents of treason on the side of the hypocrites both the old ( MKO in particular) and the new hypocrisy( the green hypocrisy) in an exhibition called “the green hypocrisy analysis”.
As reported by Habilian Association database (families of terror victims in Iran) this nongovernmental organization representing the families of over 16000 terror victims in Iran was established in 2005 and has so far attended many exhibitions on behalf of the families of terror victims. The NGO also managed to hold specialized exhibitions about the issue of hypocrisy (that of Mujahedin-e khalq in particular) in more than 60 different Universities and cultural centers around the country.
Therefore and in line with the illumination of the public opinion especially the younger generation about the MKO long shameful history of violence and terror and the crimes Rajavi’s cult committed against their own people as well as their similarities with the green hypocrisy, Habilian Association set up the exhibition “the green hypocrisy analysis” in the sideline of “17th annual festival of Press and News Agencies” in Tehran.
In this exhibition which was unprecedentedly welcomed by the visitors, Habilian Association provided the viewers with undeniable documents about the history of hypocrisy throughout the history and autopsy of contemporary hypocrite currents and how they deviated from the precious causes of the Islamic Revolution through photographs, posters and various software products.
Meanwhile doctor Hosseini Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Mohammad Ali Ramin deputy Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance and Haji Babaei Minister of Education were among the political figures that paid a visit to this exhibition.