Rajavi, putting all his eggs in one basket

The arrest of several terrorist agents of MKO in Iran charged with attempts to blast bombs in public places to create terror, destruction and insecurity once more underlines the undeniable terrorist nature of the group. What is indisputable is that Massoud Rajavi’s call for mass uprising in a deadline period of ten days, beginning from the June 10 to end in regime’s fall in June 20, indicates that he is doing whatever in his power and under any excuse, calling it uprising, resistance or protest, and through any means, including the inevitability of terrorist acts, to make his promise come true. It has been earlier stressed that the important point for him at the moment is to attract the maximum supporters at any price and through any kind of deception as has been seen in his released serial-like educational messages.


The fact is that Rajavi in no way feels like losing the opportunities, mostly created by the ignorant and temporal oppositions, set before him. But there are some barriers, including efforts to be removed from the terrorist lists and particularly from the State Department’s, that temporarily deters the organization from getting openly engaged in undertaking military and terrorist acts. So far, since it claimed to have denounced terrorism to be removed from the EU list of terror, the organization has supported the armed, violent and terrorist activities of other movements and armed groups, including Kurdish and Abdul-Malik Rigi’s, under different titles like defending the Human Rights and pro-democratic campaigns. But it never intends to lose its chance of benefiting from the golden opportunities even if it costs it to remain on the State Department’s terror list.

According to Rajavi’s long-endured wrong analysis of objective conditions and circumstances, the working approach is waiting for the opportunities to strike the final coup and it makes no difference to what stage he has reached to convince the West and America that the organization has abandon terrorism and use of violence. In fact, Rajavi has set the table to take the most benefit from the slightest opportunities regardless of the costs. His main reason is that, once more under the impression of his chimerical conclusions, he must put all his eggs in the same basket of ultimate utilization of the existing conditions. The result will be nothing but to turn to the very same approach of focusing on terrorist operations and instigation of violence no matter how many might be killed. It is only through blood-shed that he can possibly materialize the made promises, otherwise, he has to be accountable for another erroneously made strategic decision as well as facing wide-range criticism of many opposition abroad.


Accordingly, the organization has settled to take advantage of any public disorder and protest inside Iran regardless of their colors and to turn them into red. Theoretical and practical implication for proving such a claim can be found in a series of articles penned by Bijan Niyabati, a devoted leftist partisan of Rajavi and his organization. In one of his articles in which he indirectly addresses Rajavi addressed we read: "Three months ago I told that no matter what color people are in the streets, but it is important that slogans must be red. Today I say that now you can put a step further and say that the slogans cannot be necessarily red, but the actions have to”.


In the same vein and in another part of the article he refers to the intentional usurp of the movements’ leadership by the opportunist reds: “The Reds regard the Green movement as an excuse and opportunity. Therefore, they try to define different policies, objectives and even a distinct leadership for it”.

And finally it concludes how to direct the movement towards the desired destination: "It does not matter that the people in the scene wear green wrist or head bands. What is important is to chant red slogans. Perchance, it is much working to chant red slogans under the green flags in the current circumstances."


At least, these are the recently presented evidences through which it will not be hard to prove the pivotal role of the organization in a new bid to redden the whole situation within Iran. Since months ago, Rajavi directed all its propaganda and media potentialities to focus on the significance of the whole month of June that constitutes a very strategic juncture. He knew beforehand that none of the local disorders could benefit him the least and he was much frustrated when the organizers of a planned demonstration on June 22 called it off. In fact, it took the opportunity off Rajavi’s hands to redden, by creating an atmosphere of fear, violence and terror through infiltrated agents, the Green demonstration and fish in another troubled water and ride an easily build wave to arrogate the leadership of a movement that did not belong to him.


While such violent interferences and reaction might score negative points for Rajavi from the part of his American and European friends, he hopped to win even the least possible profit out of the chaotic conditions to recoup the lost. In Rajavi's opinion, if he could convince the minimal support of America and the West according to their formula of differentiating between good and bad terrorists, they would also reconsider about keeping the organization on the list of terrorist organizations and recognize it as an alternative for Iranian current regime. Although this analysis is mainly due to institutionalized hallucinations in Rajavi, but the question is that it is the least hope of having the support of the West that has maintained the survival pillars of his organization. As a result, plotting violent operations, as the arrested agents of the organization have confessed, was something totally acceptable and entirely predictable. In fact, when Rajavi puts all his eggs in the basket of investing on the month of June as the symbol of organized terrorism and declaration of armed warfare, the easiest consequent to predict is what should have happened in the streets of Tehran.