Following is the full text of a statement delivered by Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations to the Security Council Open Debate on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement on“Threats to International Peace and Security Caused by Terrorist Acts”
14 April 2016
Mr. President,
I have the honor to speak on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).
Allow me at the outset to welcome and thank the Chinese Presidency for its initiative of convening this open debate on an important issue. I also thank the Secretary General for his briefing.
Today, we are facing a proliferation of terrorist acts to unprecedented levels. No country is immune from the possibility of falling victim to terrorist acts. Thus, we all need to muster strong political will to combat terrorism. International counter-terrorism cooperation should be further strengthened and translated into concrete and effective measures in order to deal with this global threat.
I would like to take this opportunity to underscore the validity and relevance of the NAM principled positions on terrorism, which are reflected in the Algiers NAM Final Document and include the following:
1. Terrorist acts constitute one of the most flagrant violations of international law,including international humanitarian and human rights law, in particular the right to life. They lead to the lack of the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms of peoples,and endanger the territorial integrity and stability of States as well as national, regional and international security, destabilize legitimately constituted governments or the prevailing constitutional order and political unity of States, affect the stability of nations and the very basis of societies. Terrorist acts also create adverse consequences on the economic and social development and cause the destruction of the physical and economic infrastructure of States.
2. NAM Strongly and unequivocally condemns and rejects terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, as well as all acts, methods and practices of terrorism wherever, by whomever, against whomsoever committed, including those in which States are directly or indirectly involved, which are unjustifiable whatever the considerations or factors that may be invoked to justify them.
3. Resolved to take speedy and effective measures to eliminate international terrorism, NAM urges all States, consistent with the UN Charter, to fulfill their obligations under international law and international humanitarian law by combating terrorism, including by prosecuting or, where appropriate, extraditing the perpetrators of terrorist acts; by preventing the organization, instigation or financing of terrorist acts against other States from within or outside their territories or by organizations based in their territories; by refraining from organizing, instigating, assisting, financing or participating in terrorist acts in the territories of other States; by refraining from encouraging activities within their territories directed towards the commission of such acts; by refraining from allowing the use of their territories for planning, training or financing for such acts; or by refraining from supplying arms or other weapons that could be used for terrorist acts in other States.
4. Terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality,civilization or ethnic group, and that these attributions should not be used to justify terrorism or counter-terrorism measures that include, inter alia, profiling of terror suspects and intrusion on individual privacy.
5. At the same time, terrorism should not be equated with the legitimate struggle of peoples under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation for self-determination and national liberation, in order to prolong occupation and oppression of innocent people with impunity. In this regard and in accordance with the UN Charter, international law and the relevant UN resolutions, the struggle of peoples under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation for self-determination and national liberation does not constitute terrorism.
6. The financing of terrorism is a matter of grave concern that must be fought with determination. In this regard, NAM strongly condemns criminal incidences of hostage-taking with resultant demands for ransoms and/or other political concessions by terrorist groups, and calls upon all States to cooperate actively in order to address this issue, in all its aspects including its legal aspects. NAM invites Member States to take the necessary measures to prevent terrorists from benefiting from hostage-taking, including ransom payments and political concessions.
7. NAM Urges all States, which have not yet done so, to consider to ratify or accede to international and UN conventions and protocols relating to combating terrorism and further reiterate the importance of the conclusion of a Comprehensive Convention for Combating International Terrorism and, in this respect, noting the negotiations in the Ad Hoc Committee on Terrorism established by General Assembly Resolution 51/210 of 17 December 1996, for elaboration of a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism and the continuing efforts to that end, and call upon all States to continue to co-operate in resolving the outstanding issues.
And finally, Mr. President, I reaffirm the Movement’s principled position on combating international terrorism, while stressing the need to respect international law, including the respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of all States.In the light of the previous initiatives and considerations adopted by NAM, and of our conviction that multilateral cooperation, in conformity with the UN Charter, international law and the relevant international conventions, and under the UN auspices is the most effective means to combat international terrorism, I reiterate the Movement’s call for an International Conference under the auspices of the UN to formulate a joint organized response of the international community to terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including identifying its root causes.
Thank you, Mr. President.