MKO terrorists work with Mossad: Analyst

The Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), which has often collaborated with the Israeli spy agency ‎Mossad against the interests of the Islamic Republic, has the blood of thousands of innocent Iranians ‎on their hands, says an analyst.‎

The comment comes after Washington formally removed the MKO from its list of terrorist ‎organizations on September ‎‏28‏‎, one week after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent the US ‎Congress a classified communication about the move.‎

The group had been formally described by the US State Department as a "foreign terrorist ‎organization” for the past ‎‏15‏‎ years.‎

The Bush administration had claimed that one of its reasons for attacking Iraq in ‎‏2003‏‎ was Saddam ‎Hussein’s support for "international terrorism," including Iraq's "sheltering" of the MKO as a major ‎example. ‎

Iran’s Foreign Ministry said in a September ‎‏29‏‎ statement that Tehran strongly condemns Washington’s ‎irresponsible move, which is against the international and legal commitments of the US.‎

The Islamic Republic holds the US government responsible for the terrorist acts carried out by the ‎MKO in the past, present and the future, the statement added.‎

Press TV has conducted an interview with Kamel Wazne, political analyst from Beirut to further discuss ‎the development.‎

The following is a rough transcription of the interview.‎

Press TV: I wanted to get your reaction to the removal of the MKO from this terror black list.‎

Wazne: Well, this is the United States, at best, supporting a terrorist organization when it feels it is in ‎the interests of the United States and its agenda.‎

There is no mistake that the Mujahedin-e Khalq organization, their hands are filled with blood from ‎innocent people in Iran.‎

They were involved in bombing the headquarters of the Iranian parliament. They assassinated the ‎previous president of Iran. They actually bombed industrial facilities inside Iran.‎

They actually worked with intelligence, especially with the Israeli Mossad against the interests of ‎Iranians.‎

They have a hand in the latest assassination against Iranian scientists. And they fought with Saddam ‎Hussein against their own people, and they invaded a part of Iran at the end of the, you know, ‎cessation of war between Iran and Iraq.‎

So there is a lot of blood on their hands. Thousands of innocent Iranians were murdered at the hands ‎of this organization.‎

‎ In the end, the United States listed [them] as a terrorist organization because the fact and merit of ‎the evidence indicated they actually killed innocent people. But today, [with] politics, as we see from ‎the Obama administration and from the Secretary of State, it is removed from the terrorist ‎organization. ‎

But make no mistake, this organization, all the evidence, all the circumstances, the verdict rendered in ‎the court system whether in the United States or around the world, they know exactly these entities, ‎the blood on their hands. It is a shame on the United States.‎

Press TV: As you mentioned the MKO has a lot of blood on its hands, so what is the US plan with ‎aligning itself with such a group?‎

Wazne: The United States is actually aligning itself with al-Qaeda because it fights with the Syrians. I ‎think it allies itself with the Mujahedin-e Khalq because they are against the Iranians and the Iranian ‎people.‎

‎ For that reason, America goes with the devil for their own political purpose because they have no ‎integrity and no dignity, and they stand against everything that they proclaim they fight for.‎

When they say they fight terrorism, now they actually are in bed with the same terrorist organization ‎that they said they fought with al-Qaeda or the Mujahedin-e Khalq; it is because they are against the ‎Iranian people.‎

The crime that the Mujahedin-e Khalq is committing against the Iranian people, I think the Americans ‎are doing indirectly through economic sanctions because economic sanctions are a crime -- as a ‎terrorist organization.‎‎‏2012/09/30/264272‏‎/mko-terrorists-work-with-mossad/default.html