In a statement released Saturday, Maryam Rajavi, the ringleader of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, a.k.a. MEK, and PMOI), announced that the relocation of sixth convoy of MKO members at Camp Ashraf will be started on August 23. |
The remarks come as two U.S. officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, have recently told New York Times that the group’s refusal to complete a move from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty “may doom its bid” to be delisted as a U.S. designated terrorist organization.
Although the uncooperative MKO was tardy in working together with the government of Iraq and the UN Assistance Mission in the Camp Ashraf closure, the terrorist group’s ringleader added that “they expect that the completion of convoy 6 will be followed by a public statement by the United States Government that recognizes the cooperation of the Ashraf residents and reiterates continued U.S. commitment” to delisting the group as a U.S. designated terrorist organization.
The relocation is in line with the memorandum of understanding signed on 25 December between Iraq and United Nations to temporarily transfer members of the terrorist group to a former U.S. military base for the UNHCR to determine their refugee status.
To date, roughly two-thirds of the members of these people have been relocated to Camp Liberty in five groups of 400; however, some 1200 of them still remain at Ashraf.