'Israel is a liability for the US'

"No one seriously believes that Israel, which is a non-signatory to the Nuclear Non proliferation Treaty (NPT) and which basically obtained its raw materials for its own militarized nuclear program by stealing them from the United States and the NUMARK nuclear plant in Apollo, Pennsylvania and that Israel, which is clearly been involved in these assassinations of Iranian scientists in the last couple of years to the tune of at least five premeditated killings using the groups like the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MKO), the Kurdish PJAK, the Jundallah terrorist organization."

In the Friday prayers sermons in Tehran, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said that Iran's nuclear program cannot be shut down by the West and he called for justice and equality to prevail against arrogant powers.

Press TV has interviewed Mark Dankof, former US Senate candidate from San Antonio about the message of resistance and justice given in the speech by Ayotollah Khamenei against Western hegemonic aggression that knows no other way than by force and bloodshed to achieve its goals. What follows is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: Leon Panetta's threat of an Israeli attack - What do you think, is it a scare tactic? I mean, is some ways is it a threat by the US or is it a threat by Israel?

Dankof: Difficult to know, but I think Mr. Mueller (FBI Director) is entirely correct even though I don't agree with him in many respects. I think Israel can go this alone initially because it knows its lobby is powerful enough in the United States that if it initiates military actions against Iran that the power of the Israeli lobby will guarantee that the president of the United States, especially in an election year, and both houses of Congress will follow lock, stock and barrel with Netanyahu and what it is that he and Mr. Lieberman want to do.

I think when we get into this whole business of Israel, it is important to see who in fact is the aggressor here and who is on the defensive.

No one seriously believes that Israel, which is a non-signatory to the Nuclear Non proliferation Treaty (NPT) and which basically obtained its raw materials for its own militarized nuclear program by stealing them from the United States and the NUMARK nuclear plant in Apollo, Pennsylvania and that Israel, which is clearly been involved in these assassinations of Iranian scientists in the last couple of years to the tune of at least five premeditated killings using the groups like the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MKO), the Kurdish PJAK, the Jundallah terrorist organization… That, in conjunction with other black operations going on in places like Azerbaijan and Khuzestan province and Baluchistan province not to mention the American violations of Iranian airspace with these drones...

When you add to this the oil sanctions and the Central Banking sanctions, you have the same situation that you had with Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who, once Arthur McCollum had given him the McCollum memorandum of October of 1940, determined basically from that memorandum the 12 or 14 points that would be necessary to get a war started with Japan.

He undertook every one of those leading up to December 7th of 1941 and we can now read in President Herbert Hoover's memoirs on this whole situation leading up to Pearl Harbor, that Hoover's memoirs, which he worked on between 1940 or 41 and 1963 on this subject, that precisely what it was that Roosevelt was up to and just how many concessions the Japanese had made to the United States in the run up to Pearl Harbor that were never advertised to the American public.

This is the same thing going on in the situation with Israel now. They can be the weaponized nuclear power in the region; they can do anything they want to or so they think because of the power of their lobby and bringing the United States government into play into whatever is in Mr. Netanyahu desires.

Press TV: Talking about diplomacy, it's anything but that in terms of Iran, threatening Iran, attacking Iran - that is part of the statements' of Iran's leader and he has said that that would actually harm America.

He has said such threats show that America knows no a way but using force and bloodshed to achieve its goals, which further harms the state of America's rulers' international and domestic credibility. Doesn't he have a point there because the report card of the United States obviously shows that - And, of course when it comes to Israel, that in a sense, some have called Israel an extension of the United States in the region.

Dankof: I think the supreme leader has a great point here and it is abundantly clear that when look at the last ten years that Israel is a liability for the Unites States politically, militarily and economically. And clearly as the United States continues to support these irresponsible policies that Netanyahu and Lieberman and the American Israel public affairs committee it's only going to cost the US more and more in the long run.

I think your guest from Beirut is entirely correct. Iran is no paper tiger. Militarily, they are a much stronger military power than they were 30 years ago. And with all the difficulties that Israel had in Southern Lebanon against Hezbollah in 2006, we can be guaranteed that an outbreak of war with Iran will buy both Israel and the US more than they bargain for.

Let me make one other point here. I think the primary threat to Israel's existence is demographic more so than anything else. Pat Buchanan's new book 'Suicide of a Super Power' has a chapter in it entitled 'Demographic Winter'. Look at the population statistics of the Arab countries that surround Israel and look at the totally disparate character of the birth rate between Palestinian women and Ashkenazi Jewish women who of course are wedded to the same abortion and birth control ideologies that they are here in the US.

Many of the Jews in Israel now with the exception of the orthodox are reproducing themselves at under zero population growth. The average Palestinian woman is having at least five children. I think within 25 years, Israel will be out of business simply on the basis of demographics alone.

