Confessions of high ranking MKO terrorists (15)

"I only mention that tens of workers were killed and their bodies were even burned with cocktails and fire-kindling substances."


JUNE 20, 1981

After June 20th, directives were issued for the identification of workers, members of Islamic Societies, centers of workers' gatherings, storehouses, all potential targets for terrorism, explosions and fires.

Our other brothers in the Military Section will provide sufficient explanation concerning terrorist acts and the analysis of these acts. I only mention that tens of workers were killed and their bodies were even burned with cocktails and fire-kindling substances.

You know that they had not acted thus even against the Shah and his government both openly devoted to imperialism. Even after the Revolution, you have not heard of the seizure, beating, or killing of a SA V AK member or an anti- revolutionary or a capitalist.

Do they give orders for the explosion or burning of stores belonging to those who are dependent upon the capitalists and multinational companies? There were small bombs (sufficiently powerful to put the electro-motor of an apparatus like a press machine out of order), which had been prepared for the purpose of sabotage in the factories.

At whose service were these machines placed? Who had produced these goods which were in the stores to which, in many cases, the hypocrites had set fire? Did they belong to the plundering imperialist companies, or were they the products of the labors of workers who thought only of their country's independence and self-sufficiency?

These treacherous and cowardly leaders talk about independence. Did the desire for independence mean setting fire to storehouses and causing explosions of apparatus and machines in industries?

Confessions of high ranking MKO terrorists (14)