The IPC activities and positions, during its 6 years of activity fully explain widespread support of this committee for MKO while this terrorist cult and its leaders used to claim fighting against the Imperialism and America in particular as their most fundamental cause not a long time ago. |
Following is an indication to the true nature of "Iran policy committee" (IPC) which has been founded by MKO investments in order to affect on the policy of U.S and western countries towards Middle East region.
As a strategic measure in order to keep hidden its terrorist nature, the MKO has founded an apparently legal foundation called "Iran Policy Committee" (IPC) in February 2005 so as to keep on its anti- human activities under the guise of human rights.
The IPC board of directors *, its tremendous expenses and general activities represent it to be an ‘American committee' (a service that takes position exactly upon U.S national interests); but more comprehensive investigations for the IPC underlying strategy and its overt and covert objectives, unveils the MKO hand behind the scene.
Taking a more thoughtful look at the IPC directors board, comprising of former U.S officials, and the positions they have so far taken towards MKO, one could easily find out that whenever MKO interests are at risk, the committee would take positions contrary to the U.S government and even to what they had already taken at the time they were in office.
Although the U.S has hypocritically included MKO in what it calls the list of "Foreign Terrorist Organizations" (FTOs), the IPC which shows off as if it is engaged in “democratic overthrowing of Iranian regime”, has objected this inclusion while saying: “ It is a wrong decision upon which MKO has been oppressed” .
An evident example of IPC positions in favor of MKO was its briefing the congress in 2007, in which IPC members officially asked for the removal of MKO from the FTOs list.
As a part of the briefing while stressing on the necessity of providing support for what he called "Iranian Resistance", William Nitze, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, stated that the inclusion of MKO in the terror list has been from the beginning a thoroughly political issue and a token offered by senior diplomats in the Clinton administration as a bargaining chip in a bridge-building effort with Tehran. In fact the inclusion has been "a signal" of the U.S.'s desire for rapprochement with Tehran's reformists at the time Nitze believed.
Prior to William Nitze, former member of the National Security Council Staff and current IPC president Professor Raymond Tanter called relationship with Iran as wrong, and asked for the U.S negotiations with Iranian opposition group headquartered in Iraq.
"If you happen to establish relations with Iran, they would undoubtedly bite your hands!" IPC Resident warned American congressmen.
Based on its strategy to overthrow Iranian regime, the IPC has bent over backwards to represent MKO as a democratic alternative for the current government in Iran; the strategy which is in full contradiction with the viewpoint of outstanding members of congress who believe the MKO is intensively detested by Iranian nation.
The IPC activities and positions, during its 6 years of activity fully explain widespread support of this committee for MKO while this terrorist cult and its leaders used to claim fighting against the Imperialism and America in particular as their most fundamental cause not a long time ago.
* Professor Raymond Tanter, former National Security Council Staff and current IPC president , Celera Lopes, former officer of CIA and current IPC Executive Director, General Thomas Mc Inerney, former Assistant Vice Chief of Staff of the Air forces, Bruce Mc Colm, former President of Freedom House, a so-called human rights organization.