In this session, the members of the Social Sector of the Organization continue their survey and analysis of the lines and operations of the hypocrites in various sections of the Social Sector, thereby exposing one after another, and as far as possible, the plots of this anti-God and anti-people Organization... |
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
«Praise be to God, who had guided us to this (felicity). Never could we have found quidance had it not been for the guidance of God.» The Holy Quran, (7:43)
Saluting and praising the exalted Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the valiant Ummah, the martyrs of the Islamic Revolution and self- sacrificing warriors in the battlefronts of truth against falsehood, we begin our second session of the Evin prisoners' confessions.
In this session, the members of the Social Sector of the Organization continue their survey and analysis of the lines and operations of the hypocrites in various sections of the Social Sector, thereby exposing one after another, and as far as possible, the plots of this anti-God and anti-people Organization. Since the first day of the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran, until June 20th as you are aware, the discussion is confined to answering the questions submitted by the brother and sister prisoners. The questions have previously been collected (during the period when the television recording had been promised to us). The questions related to the Social Sector were raised in the first session, at the end of which, fresh questions were presented which we classified. Special questions related to the Social Sector were presented to us to be answered in this session. I will read some of the questions received in the first session in order to acquaint you with them.
One of the points raised, showing the importance of this discussion has been sent by a sister and it runs as follows: most of the boys in the 'Political Phase' (a phase of hypocrisy and 1 'disguised oppressions'), were absorbed by the Organization (the MKO). They were taught how to look oppressed and innocent. I Most of the .issues mainly revolve on these axes. Please explain the policies and 'the disguised oppression' position of the hypocrites at this stage (before June 20»>.
Again: «After the victory of the Revolution, when the liberals came to power, the hypocrites considered them (as seen by Rajavi's speech at the university) to be a power that is inclined towards dependency and one which might be a victim of imperialism. Moreover in an interview printed in the publication at the end of 1980, the liberals were considered to be a strategic enemy and as dangerous. Now, what objectives did the hypocrites have in this unholy alliance in spite of their past attitude towards the liberals? What policy led them to this ill-fated union? »
Another question received in this connection is similar to the first one. The next question reads: «As you know, both before and after the Revolution, the hypocrites were in touch with all other groups. Please explain these contacts of the said MKO with other counterrevolutionary groups.» I think the Social Sector and the Provincial Sector can throw light on this. Another question received here, which I think was answered to a certain extent in the first session, and which in these sessions will also be referred to once or twice is: «In view of the fact that since the beginning of the Revolution, the hypocrites in their manifestoes and public declarations of their positions always addressed the Imam as a decisive and anti- imperialist leader, they had at this time nominated him a candidate for the presidency of the Republic.
How was it that within a short period of time, they subjected him to the severest of attacks. So much so, that the traitor Rajavi in his interview with Iranshahr says: ((We considered the Imam a reactionary from the very beginning and did not think him acceptable». There are also other questions related to the Social Sector which we will not read out as they are repeated and due to the time factor.
Well, now we leave this session to the members of the Social Sector and request brother Keyvanzad to act as chairman.
Reza Keyvanzad
In the last session, we began our discussion concerning the positions and operations of the hypocrites' Organization before June 20. In the introduction it was stated that our aim in arranging this discussion is the following: Firstly, we have no intention of surveying all the positions and questions in detail but rather will give a few examples and will draw our conclusions. Our next aim in describing these past actions and presenting our conclusions is to show that there is no distinction between the periods before and after June 20 and that there is no sense in using such phrases as the end of 'the peaceful period' or ((the end of political conflicts» and (the beginning of military conflicts» etc. In fact, all the moves, operations and analyses of the hypocrites' Organization before June 20 had been aimed at justifying the legitimacy of armed combat with the regime of the Islamic Republic, the Iranian people and the Revolution.
In fact, we are studying a grave which the members of the hypocrites' Organization have dug for themselves, after the victory of the Revolution up to June 20. After the explanations of those who have been in charge of the Military Section you will see that at what price and deeds the members of the hypocrites' Organization had dug their own grave.
In the introduction, we said that we had chosen the Social Sector, in studying the operations of the hypocrites, as one which was formed after the victory of the Revolution, for the activities of this sector exposed the real face of the hypocrites. We have already explained the urgent reason for its formation. This Social Sector consisted of five groups, namely, students, workers, office employees, undergraduates and neighborhood groups. From among these five organs, we shall limit ourselves to two groups, namely the workers' and the students' groups and consider their positions and operations. We will continue to describe the acts of the hypocrites in other provinces with examples given by one of our brethren. In the previous session, our brother Farhad Nayeri and our sister Mirza'i explained the positions, operations and analyses of the Workers' Sector as well as Its formation and fate. I In this session, we continue our survey of the operations and positions of the Social Sector, and our brother Muhammad Reza it Yazdi zadeh who was in charge of a Students' Section in one of the Tehran zones will elaborate further.