Confessions of high-ranking MKO terrorists (6)

My name is Muhammad Reza Naderi, pseudonym Hossain. I was a member of the special operation units. In 1980, after being expelled from the raffic Policemen's College, I joined the Students' Society of Science and Technology and from January of the same year until June 20th, I was responsible for the Moghaddam, cement of Abyek and Fakhr Iran factories. After June 20th, I was in charge of two terrorist units in the Social Section and then, until May 1982, I was attached to the Special Operation units of the hypocrites. On September 16, 1982, I was arrested by the office of the Prosecutor-General.


My name is Muhammad Kalantari, pseudonym Manuchehr. I was in command of the special terrorist units of the hypocrites. In November 1980 I came into contact with the hypocrites' Organization and began my activities in the Students' Section. After March of 1981, I was a member of the Teachers' Propaganda Section. After that date, I headed propagation teams and after the blow of May 2nd, 1982, I was transferred to the Military Division of the Organization. At first I was chief of a terrorist unit and then became commander of the Special Terrorist Units of the hypocrites, a position which I held until my arrest. In October 1982, as I was entering a team house armed with two revolvers, a grenade and cyanide pills, I was arrested.


My name is Abbas Sahraie, pseudonyms Mohsen and Habib. I was chief of operation units of the east Tehran zone. In the year 1979, I came into contact with the Organization in Abadan. Sometime after June 20th, I came to Tehran. At first I was a member of the operation unit, and sometime after, I became chief of an operation unit. My last duty before my arrest was that of head of the operation units of the eastern Tehran zone. I was arrested in April, 1982.


My name is Khosrow Zandi, pseudonym Sadegh. I was a member of the operation teams of the hypocrites and an agent of torture. I came into contact with the hypocrites' Organization in 1981 and was transferred to the Special Section. At first I was in charge of the guild security team houses and then tranferred to the Military Section. In September 1982, I was arrested during an operation while armed with a revolver and grenade and having cyanide pills on.


My name is Mohammad Toori, pseudonym Parviz. I was a member of the operation unit of the western Tehran zone. In April 1981, I came in touch with the hypocrites' Organization and after " .June 20th of the same year, I joined the operation units and was active in terroristic operations until my arrest. In mid-July 1982, I was arrested during one of the operations in Nazi Abad by the people while armed with a revolver and hand grenade.


My name is Abdol Karim Mo'azaz and I was a member of the special terrorist unit of the hypocrites. I began my activity at the beginning of August 1982 in the above Organization and became a member of the special operations unit, a position which I held until the time of my arrest. I was arrested while armed and in flight at the end of August 1982.


My name is Muhammad Taher Teimoori, pseudonym Muhammad Reza. I was in command of a special operation unit of the hypocrites. I came into contact with the Organization in mid-1981 and I was a member of the school team until June 20th. After that, I was transferred to Torbat Jam and became a member of the operation unit in that district. In October 1981 I came to Tehran and was put in charge of a special operation unit of the hypocrites, a position which I held until my arrest. Eventually at the end of 1982, I was arrested while trying to escape the country.


My name is Mohammad Reza Jamaloo, pseudonyms Hamed and Vali. I was a chief of the operation units of the eastern Tehran zone. I began my organization activities with this Organization in 1979 and collaborated with the so called آ«Arman Mostazafinآ» in 1980. Without any connection with .the Organization, we were engaged from June 20th till August in forming a military nucleus for throwing projectiles and molotov cocktails at the buildings, shops and cars of the hezbullahis. In September 1981, I joined the Military Section of the Organization. I was at first a member and then became the commander of an operation unit. In April 1982, I was arrested while armed and in flight.


My name is Kurosh Khavarian, pseudonyms Hamid, Abbas and Yadollah. I was a commander of the operation units of the eastern Tehran Zone. I began my activity in high school and joined the Organization in mid- 1979. At the time of my arrest, I was in command of the operation units of eastern Tehran. I was arrested in May 1982 while armed and in waiting.


My name is Sohrab Sohrabi, pseudonym Mazyar. I came in touch with the hypocrites' Organization in the summer of 1980 and was engaged in propagation tasks. At the time of my arrest, I was commander of a military unit. I was arrested in November 1981 in a team house outside the city.


My name is Majid Showkati. I was in command of one of the special operation units. In mid-1979, I joined this group and was active in the Student Section. Before June 20th, I was in charge of a district in the central zone and after which, I became chief of one operation unit. My last duty was to command one of the special operation units of the hypocrites. I was arrested in January 1981 while armed and in flight.

My name is Haleh Nasser Hojjati, pseudonym Azar, a student. of Tehran university. I joined the hypocrites in mid-1979 and became active in the Central Tehran Society. At first I worked in the political and Student Sections of the Central Society and after the formation of the federation, I was for a time, consultant in the Central Society of Science and Technology. Then I became a member of the executive council of the Students' Federation Relations of the Organization. My last duty was the taking charge of the Women's Society of the western zone. In mid-1981, I was arrested by the hezbullahis and brothers of the Comiteh.


My name is Monireh Rajavi, pseudonym Parvin. I am the sister of Masoud Rajavi. I became acquainted with the Organization in the year 1971 and joined the Organization together with my husband in the Medical and Military Aid Supplies Section of the -I hypocrites. I was in charge of securing team houses. At the end of June 1982, I, my husband, and another person were arrested.


My name is Maryam Mirzai, pseudonym Vahideh. I am a student of the Teachers' Training College. My organizational activity in relation to the terrorist group of hypocrites began in 1974 on my admission to the university. At first I was active in the Political and Publication Sections and then in the Consultation Section of the political, evaluative, and security divisions. In mid-1980, I joined the Students' Center for security and services. In April 1981, I joined the Workers' Sector, working at first on the so-called Revolution Arm and then became responsible for military propagation to the girls of the working class. In November 1981, I was arrested by brothers from the Comiteh and the hezbullahis of the south of the city.


My name is Zahra Behboudi, a worker in the Pars Electric Factory. I came into contact with the terrorist group of hypocrites in 1979. After working for some time in the Propagation and Feasibility Divisions, I was made the propagation officer of several workers. From June 20th, 1981 onward, I served in the team house of the hypocrites and was arrested in September of that year in one of those houses.


My name is Attieh Asbaqie. pseudonym Sa'idah. I joined the Students' Division of the hypocrites' Organization in the winter of 1979 and in the Spring of 1980, I was transferred to the District's Section. Before June 20th, I was in charge of propagation and then of Women's Society Relations. My last duty consisted in managing the Women's Society of the south. I was arrested in February, 1981.

My name is Razieh Tolua Sharifi, pseudonym Mansureh Sami'i. I was a member of the Districts affiliated to the hypocrites' Organization in the Medical Aid Section. I began my activities after the victory of the Revolution in the i Medical Aid Section of the hypocrites', Organization on 'Vali Asr' street. After the evacuation of this headquarters in September 1979, I worked in the clinics of the hypocrites' Organization on 'Bahar' and 'Inghelab' avenues. After June 20th, I served as secretary in one clinic on Palestine avenue. This clinic was the meeting place of the central members of the Districts and Medical Aid Sections. I was arrested in this connection in October 1981.


My name is Parvin Partowi, pseudonym Maryam. I began my administrative activities with the hypocrites' Organization in 1979. At first I worked in women's societies and western districts of Tehran in connection with the Propagation and Security Section. After June 20th, I worked in the military units in the Investigation Operation Section. I took part in the armed demonstrations on September 27 as a military commander of the girls in the western zone and my last job was the military command of western Tehran. I was arrested while carrying a revolver and cyanide pills.


My name is Zahra Bokharai, pseudonym Fariba. I joined the hypocrites' Organization in March 1978. My main task until May 20th 1981, was membership for the Cultural and News Council of the eastern zone as well as taking charge of supplies in the same zone and in some of Tehran schools. After June 20th, for a time, I acted as the military assistant to the battalion commander and then as assistant to the commander of the special operation unit of the hypocrites. I was armed all this time and was investigating the country's leading personalities and the hezbollahis and in one case I took part in a terrorist operation. I was arrested in September 1981.


My name is Razieh Ayatollah Zadeh Shirazi, pseudonym Fatimah. I was a member of the Students' Section of the hypocrites' Organization. I began activities with this Organization at the end of the year 1977. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, at first, I worked in the Students' Section and then in the Disciplinary Section of the sisters. I was then transferred to the Students' Section and worked for its Art and Propagation Center. Afterwards, I was transferred to the Guilds department of the Districts Section and it .was here that I was arrested at the beginning of July 1981.

Confessions of high-ranking MKO terrorists (5)

Confessions of high-ranking MKO terrorists (4)

Confessions of high-ranking MKO terrorists (3)

Confessions of high-ranking MKO terrorists (2)

Confessions of high-ranking MKO terrorists (1)