Habilian Association, an Iranian center for research on terrorism, has recently published a study on the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MeK)’s monthly expenses during the recent years and achieved significant numbers.
This study investigates the costs of an organization as large as the MeK with 2300 uniformed members resident in a vast compound in Southeast Europe, over 200 others in France and the US, a 24/7 satellite channel, several web-sites and thousands of real and fake social media accounts, large number of gatherings and costly annual conference in different parts of Europe and the US.
This analysis challenges MeK’s claims of financial independence and being financed by Iranian people’s donations by showing that only operating expenses of the group are nearly three times as much as the money that allegedly comes from telethon programs.
You can download the study here.
Also, here you can read a descriptive report of the study.