As the representative of the families of Iranian terror victims, Habilian Foundation organized a four-day exhibition in Urmia, northwestern Iran, on two deviant sects. |
The exhibition presented information in poster form about the Hojjatieh Society and wayward Baha’i sect.
Recognition of thoughts of Baha’i sect founders, ties between the wayward sect and oppressive regime of Pahlavi, its close relations with Zionists and England, its sincere services to Western intelligence agencies, intellectual and moral deviations of Baha’i sect, and their recruitment techniques were amongst the main subjects of the poster exhibition about the wayward sect of Baha’i.
The exhibitions also dealt with the foundation of the Hojjatieh Society, intellectual and ideological deviations of the Society’s leaders since it was established in 1953, large-scale relations between the Sect and SAVAK, financial documents of it, their different types of advertising and recruitment techniques.
The exhibition also exposed the details of numerous websites and satellite channels used by the Hojjatieh Society.
Provincial authorities of the West Azerbaijan, members of the scientific board and university professors as well as university students were among the distinguished visitors attended the exhibition.