Families of Iranian terror victims pen letter to The Swedish Ministry of Justice

Following the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MeK)’s recent attacks to an exhibition held in Stockholm highlighting the group’s crimes, The Families of Iranian Victims of Terrorism, who organized the exhibition, have penned a letter to the Swedish Minister of Justice as responsible for the Swedish Police and urged for necessary explanations and compensation for the incidents.

The letter reads as follows:
Mr. Morgan Johansson
The Minister for Justice and Home Affairs of Sweden

As you know, an exhibition on the documents of the MKO terrorist group against the Iranian people with the legal permission of the Swedish police was to be held on June 9 and 10, 2022 in front of the Stockholm courthouse by the families of Iranian terror victims.

Unfortunately, members of the MKO terrorist group tried to prevent the exhibition from the very beginning. Tearing down the banners, preventing the installation of more banners, attacking the person in charge of the exhibition with a cold weapon, as well as spraying paint and throwing stones and attacking a Press TV reporter were some of the illegal actions of this group.

On the second day, despite the permission issued by the police, the exhibition was not allowed to be held in its place and was transferred to an inappropriate place by your forces.

The Families of Iranian Terror Victims condemn these terrorist acts of violence and believe that the police hold the responsibility for the incidents and the failure to hold the exhibition on the 2nd day in the place which had the permit. The police were unable to deal with members of the MKO terrorist group. So, we ask for necessary explanations and compensation for the unfortunate incidents that occurred by the Swedish police.

Habilian Association (Families of Iranian Terror Victims)
June 12, 2022

on Thursday 9 and Friday 10 June 2022, members of the MeK terrorist cult attacked the organizers of an exhibition held in Stockholm on the group’s crimes. The MeK terrorists slashed the banners with knives and splashed paint on them to hide their brutal crimes, while pelting the organizers and Press TV news crew with stones and eggs.