The MEK took responsibility for the assassination of a shopkeeper in Isfahan

The Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorist group (aka MEK, MKO, PMOI) claimed responsibility for the assassination of a shopkeeper in Isfahan in 1984.

According to Habilian, the MEK terrorist group has confessed to this crime in No. 220 of the Mojahed Magazine - the main press organ of the group in the 1980s.

Based on this news, which was published in the magazine as a daring operation, the operatives of MEK this terrorist group performed a reconnaissance operation and then shot a shopkeeper named Mehdi Jabbar Zare in Darwaza Tehran Square in Isfahan with several bullets on September 10, 1984.

In the early years of the 1980s, the MEK terrorist group assassinated thousands of ordinary Iranian citizens because of their interest in revolutionary rituals, support for the Islamic Republic, or membership in revolutionary institutions.