خاطراتی از یک تروریست سابق

16.500 تومان

نام کتاب : Recollections of a Former Terrorist

نام کتاب به فارسی: خاطراتی از یک تروریست سابق

ناشر: بنیاد هابیلیان(خانواده شهدای ترور کشور)

زبان: انگلیسی

تعداد صفحه: 80

قطع چاپی: خشتی

جنس کاغذ: گلاسه شفاف

نوع جلد: شومیز

شابک: 978-600-178-118-6

تیراژ: 1000

وزن: 220 گرم


Batol Soltani, former member of the MEK leadership council, managed to scape the cult after two decades of being captive in a notorious paramitilary camp calledAshraf. During those years she lost her kids and her warm family center. The life of Ms. Batoul Soltani is mostly liked a tragic drama that seems like an incredible fate. She is now stepping in a way to rejoin her missing husband and children