Name: Ali Ebrahimi
Date of Birth: 1965
Place of Birth: Aqosin village, Amol
Date of Martyrdom: January 26, 1982
Place of Martyrdom: Amol
Martyr Ali Ebrahimi was born in Aqosin village near Amol, in a religious family in 1965. He loved Islam since his childhood. Ali had to leave school and work as a farmer due to his family’s poor financial conditions.
He continued his studies later in the early 80s. Ali used to support Ayatollah Beheshti against liberals and Banisadr supporters. Martyr Ebrahimi could finally persuade his parents to allow him join the Iranian soldiers fighting against the Iraqi invaders. It was just 3 days before he was going to be dispatched to the battlefield when the rioters attacked Amol in January 26, 1982 and Ali Ebrahimi was martyred in the fight against them.