Autopsy of an ideological drift (47)

Is the Mojahedin’s Chief, as he pretends, a fervent defender of women’s rights? The answer is negative; since the organisation’s women are deprived of their basic right to choose their male partner and to have children”.


The Maryam Cult

As we have already seen, the People’s Mojahedin have given women a priority role in their organisation. This is confirmed by Agence France Presse:

“The People’s Mojahedin group, which was the target for a major police operation Tuesday in the Paris region, is the main armed opposition to the Iranian regime. Its leadership is made up largely of women.

This organisation, directed by Massoud Rajavi, whose wife Maryam is designated as the ‘future President of Iran’, established a Council of Direction in August 1993. It is made up of 24 women.

Moreover, women are half the troops in the National Liberation Army of Iran NLAI), the armed wing of the Mojahedin. Maryam Rajavi is the Deputy Commander in Chief.

Until now, the sect led by Maryam and Massoud Rajavi has followed a process of several ‘mutations’. The last ‘leap’ in the organisation’s development is marked by the perceived incompetence of men to hold posts in the direction. With the exception, of course, of Massoud Rajavi! The sect’s direction must be done by women and, surely, the men around Rajavi have to obey and accept them. Otherwise, they are jailed and tortured”.

This is a strategy based on the classic model of ‘Divide and Conquer’. However, the role of women in revolutionary movements on the Left has been quite clearly defined by the major spokesmen for Marxist-Leninist ideology. Thus, once again, Mao Tse Tung gives his advice on the issue:

“Of primary importance in building the great socialist society is to lead the mass of women to participate in productive activities. The principle of “equal salary for equal work” must be applied in production. Real equality of men and women is only achievable through the process of the socialist transformation of all of society”.

I have always asked myself why Rajavi needed to be surrounded by women. It took me a long time to understand that they were, for him, a fortress against the men. Thanks to these women, he could dominate the males and force them to obey him and accept his status as lmam. They were also a barrier against any risk of rebellion or insurrection in the ranks.

To humiliate the men of the organisation even more, he forced them to worship his wife Maryam and even to bow down before her...

For Rajavi and his followers, competence did not have the same meaning as in the dictionary. It was measured by the degree of obsequiousness and servility... Is the Mojahedin’s Chief, as he pretends, a fervent defender of women’s rights? The answer is negative; since the organisation’s women are deprived of their basic right to choose their male partner and to have children”.

One woman has escaped this sad fate. She is the one who is the object of a cult of personality as demented as that of her husband. She represents for the PMOI’s membership the ideal woman, the model: Maryam Rajavi.

Autopsy of an ideological drift (46)