Martyr Ali Oloumi

Name: Ali Oloumi

Date of Birth: September 30, 1969

Place of Birth: Semnan

Date of Martyrdom: July 28, 1988

Born on September 30, 1969 in Semnan, Ali Oloumi was the fifth child in his family. He used to go to mosque with his father in his childhood. He spent his preliminary and secondary studies in his hometown.

As the Iraqi imposed war on Iran started, he went to the war zone along with his brother Abbas on January 20, 1982 for the first time. He stayed there and fought the enemy for about 24 months. Abass Oloumi, Ali's older brother, was killed in Mehran Operation. Despite he was in the battlefield, Ali didn't quit his studies.

Finally, on July 28, 1988, he lost his life as a martyr in a fight against the terrorist Mujahedin e-Khalq organization in Mersad operation.  His body was found on 2000 and laid to rest in his hometown, Semnan.