Martyr Nader Rasouli

Martyr Nader Rasouli was born in 1959 in a very religious family in Roudbar, a small village near the city of Aamol. There he grew up and went to school until he finished the elementary school but due to lack of financial resources and his father’s lack of any other assistances for working in the farm, he couldn’t manage to keep on his studies and left the school to help his father. Amid the years of Islamic Revolution peak days Nader one of those brave revolutionary youth who played a key role in the victory of the Revolution in the region.

After the victory of the Revolution he joined the Basij and defended wholeheartedly the newly established system while fighting against the anti-Revolution terrorist groups like MKO and was finally targeted and martyred by the elements of one of these terrorist groups on January 25, 1982.